March 21, 2025

other Display Teams 2025


Some other Display Teams have published there programs - in Europe the Red Arrows and multiple German Air Force Displays for example.

On the other side of the Atlantic, North and West of the Gulf of Mexico, I recomand the Canadian Snowbirds ! Beautiful Display like some of the best european ones and without display brakes like others in the area ...

(all pictures of the Snowbirds taken at NAS Oceana Airshow, 1999)

March 17, 2025

Basevisit Payerne - Night flights with NVG's


Payerne Air Base hosted two guided basevisits for photographers in February/March, 2025. Inscription necessary, and only one date of the two to each person. As exspected the visits where full in a very short time - but your webmaster was successfull for the second date.

The pictures during the day where perfect, weather was sunny, positions where great and quite a lot of activity. But the main party for myself was the nightflight activity from inside the fence at the marshaller area - a rare event for me because of my working times, the luggage to take with me and also a bit the distance. 

Anyway, this day I was travelling without bycicle and had the big gear with me - including stativ, three camera bodies, three lenses and last, but not least, my Night Vision Goggles. Those where used the last few years only on animals, time to test them with Hornets of Steel. And yes - looking good !

Merci à la Base aérienne de Payerne pour cette possibilité 💗

March 15, 2025

Lockheed-Martin F-35 and this 'kill-switch'

With the new political decision makers in the USA, an old legend came back into the mainstream media...

Is there really an kill-switch in the F-35 Lighning II Combat Aircraft ?

No, but there are really some points or switches someone can mis-use. If he is not afraid of political consequences.

A good article about those problems on The Aviationist

Other articles of interest - listed without system:

Solving data sovereignty and classified information protection issues with the F-35 ALIS / ODIN system (December 09th, 2021)

Mit dem Tarnkappenbomber F-35 zu einer geteilten Souveränität mit den USA (June 17th, 2020)

Norway receives F-35 mission data file from USAF (November 15th, 2017)

Even After F-35’s TR-3 Software is Approved, Frequent Patches May Be Needed (May 30th, 2024)

Mission Data System Files for Core Allies: The Norwegian-Italian Reprogramming F-35 Lab (July 15th, 2019)

Trouble with the F-35’s logistics information system (August 05th, 2020)

Norwegian F-35 spy on its owner: send sensitive data back to U.S.A. (2019)

F-35 Logistics System Faces Challenges (March, 2018)

March 14, 2025

Pilatus PC-12 PRO unveiled

 A few minutes ago the live stream has ended - watch it on the YouTube Channel of Pilatus Aircraft Ltd

Presentation of the Pilatus PC-12 PRO with a new Cockpit and the Safe-Landing-Button 👍

(screencrabs of the youtube-film)

As I am not a specialist about Business Aircraft, I am not worthy to write very much about this new evolution. But I think there where some very good engineers at it and Pilatus will sell many, many more of the famous Pilatus PC-12 aircraft.

March 12, 2025

Decentralize the Air Force - Hornets on Berne Belp Airfield

The Swiss Air Force will temporarly use Berne (Belp) Airport for military Jets - from March 31st to April 2nd, 2025. The Hornets will fly in out of Meiringen due an repetition course.

For interested Visitors -  do not miss the testing of the cable landing system on the 1st day, that's something spectacular,

Veröffentlicht am 11. März 2025

Armee trainiert mit Kampfflugzeugen in Bern

Bern, 11.3.2025 - Vom 31. März bis 2. April 2025 startet und landet die Luftwaffe mit Kampfflugzeugen des Typs F/A-18 auf dem Flughafen Bern und betreibt während drei Tagen den militärischen Flugdienst ab Bern-Belp. Damit testet die Armee ihre Fähigkeit, ihre Flugzeuge auch von zivilen Standorten aus zu betreiben.

Der Flugbetrieb erfolgt durch das Flugplatz Kommando 13 in Meiringen, welches diese Übung im Rahmen eines Wiederholungskurses durchführt. Die Übung beinhaltet auch Starts und Landungen mit F/A-18 Kampfflugzeugen am Tag und Abend bis spätestens um 22.00 Uhr. Rund um den Flughafen Bern ist deshalb mit einem erhöhten Flugaufkommen zu rechnen. Die Luftwaffe ist bestrebt, allfällige Auswirkungen auf den zivilen Flugbetrieb so gering wie möglich zu halten

Stärkung der Verteidigungsfähigkeit

Die Übung ist notwendig, da heute alle Mittel der Luftwaffe auf die drei Militärflugplätzen Payerne, Meiringen und Emmen konzentriert sind. Das macht sie für weitreichende, gegnerische Waffensysteme verwundbar. Um dieses Risiko zu minimieren, setzt die Luftwaffe unter anderem auf die Dezentralisierung als passive Luftverteidigungsmassnahme. Die Dezentralisierung beschreibt dabei die Fähigkeit, die Truppe und das Material innert kürzester Zeit im ganzen Land zu verteilen. Die Luftwaffe muss ihre Mittel nach Möglichkeit auch von dezentralen, unter Umständen temporären Standorten aus einsetzen können. Letztmals wurde das am 5. Juni 2024 anlässlich der Übung Alpha Uno auf der A1 in Payerne trainiert.

Adresse für Rückfragen

Nadine Schröder

Leiterin Kommunikation Luftwaffe

+41 58 488 96 99


Gruppe Verteidigung

Some pictures of so called decentralisation exercises by me:

March 11, 2025

PC-7 Team schedule for 2025


The approved and published Display dates for this incredible Team - Aviation is an Art and you have to watch them whenever possible 💕

February 16, 2025

Photography and film trials for the Black Grouse

One of the most endangered birds in Switzerland are living near my home, sharing a region together with the Western Capercaillie.

The birds are quite big, but you can be lucky if you can see them. Wandering in the early light of a day and without staring on mobile devices or listening to music helps a lot ...

1st sight in the fog on an spring day, winter is a bit longer in those mountains, back in 2019 and far away:

Be aware to make not big noises and movement, akward the distance. With a few minutes of waiting, he was flying up to an three nearby.

Lucky me - this one was not too afraid of this human being with the big lense. 

February 02, 2025

Airshow Neuchâtel - July 05th, 2025

One of the interesting shows not only for the program, but also for the landscape at the biggest lake of Switzerland (completely in Switzerland) this summer

- Patrouille Suisse (remember, our F-5E/F Tiger Jets will be end of life in 2027)

- Classic Formation 

- PC-21 Display

stay tuned 

January 27, 2025

30 years of SPORTHILFE

Another view into my archive ... this time nearly an quarter of an century back in the summer of 2000. There I've loaded my bicycle with my photo gear (main gear that time was an Nikon F4S and Sigma's 170-500mm lens) and rode about 2 hours from Emmen Airfield to the Bürgenstock mountain. No radio scanner available - just waiting for the show going on.

Parts of my gear back then - the beloved Cannondale 3T700 was stolen one year later and never came back

There was an celebration for the 30th anniversary of Switzerland's Sporthilfe (Swiss Sports Aid), an private Foundation and one of the most important sports organizations in the country. The official announcement was about 300 Top Athletes, multiple sport disciplines for testing (BMX Parcours, those where the days) and the famous Swiss Air Force Display Team Patrouille Suisse.

1st surprise where the two flybyes of Airbus A321 HB-IOC (the olympic one - International Olympic Commitee, nice preparation for an sports event) of Swissair, 2nd Surprise was an power demo of Pilatus Aircraft Ltd's flagship back then, the famous Pilatus PC-9.  Other participants like the mixed Pilatus formation, the two Junkers Ju-52 and the Super Puma Display Team where also not known to me as I'm remember. The Patrouille Suisse was no Surprise, but a nice catch anyway.


December 26, 2024

Flight schedules for Emmen, Meiringen and Payerne military air base

 Like every year, the Swiss Air Force is announcing the flight schedules. Not many Airshows planned in Switzerland for 2025, but a day araund an air base is also interesting. It will become more difficult when the new aircrafts arrive I fear ...

And please - take your trash with you - no littering on this planet  !