June 02, 2018

Royal Canadian Armed Forces to upgrade the CH149 Cormorant

RCAF announced to upgrade the 14 CH149 Cormorant with Cormorant Mid-Life Upgrade Program (CMLU) based on AW101-612 (Norway) and expand the fleet by up to seven additional AW101s to serve beyond 2040. The upgrade consists of an digital 360° radar, cell-phone detection system and 4-axis digital Automatic Flight Control System (AFCS).
AW101 are in military use by Denmark, Portugal, Norway, Italy, the UK and many other countries in the world.

In 2002, one of the new CH149 was on static display on the former military airfield of Interlaken due Airmed'02 exposition. Pilots where intrigued by the very well equipped Agusta A-109K2 of the REGA nearby, but budget had not permitted to equip Canada's new SAR helicopter with FLIR and other important gadgets from the beginning.



Norway sent an SeaKing to AirMed'02 - actually the country uses 16 new AW101-Mk612

REGA introduced the A109K2
Swiss Air Force with former (Alouette III, above) and new SAR-helicopter (Super Puma)

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