Enjoying the wonderful scenery from above, I did'nt suspect any harm ... but what a surprise !
The flight started on Swiss Air Force's Main Base in Payerne (LSMP), so let's take a seat.
Leaving Payerne on Runway 25, our Beech turned left and gaining height. City of Payerne still visible.
After overflying my home we can already see the area of Belp and Gürbetal.
The majestic Peaks of the Bernese Oberland, with Eiger (3970m) and Axalp Shooting Range pictured from above the Entlebuch area.
A little point is approaching - we where intercepted by an Hornet !
The Pilot is trying to contact our pilotes and rocking it's wings

Last warning before shooting - FLARES !
But our Pilots saw the danger and we where taken to a new direction. Deep down you can see St. Stephan Airfield, in the background the Wildstrubel.
Above Diablerets with the ski area GLACIER3000
Moleson (2002m), city of Bulle and Vanil Carré (2195m) - together with an Hornet. Rare picture I think.
Overflying my home again, we have taken direction Payerne.
Lake of Murten,time to ...
... extend our gears and the Hornet is zooming away with full burner !
Overview Payerne airfield
Thank you Swiss Air Force for this nice flight ! My aircraft: Beech 1900D T-729 (cn UE-288)

Actually you can watch on youtube a nice video taken from an airliner a few days ago above Germany. It shows German Air Force QRA Eurofighter Typhoons out of Neuburg Base, intercepting Jet Airways Boeing 777-300 flight 9W-118 on February 16th: